30 May 2011

The Results of my Baking.. :/

I posted on my twitter page that I was going to try out the Blueberry Boy Bait 'bites' that Lauren Conraad posted the recipe for on her website (link below)...here are the fruits of my labour....

The fun begins..

Maybe at this stage I should tell you that instead of doing all the flour and dry components together and the wet ingredients (eggs, milk etc) together then adding them slowly, I kinda added the eggs and milk and everything to the dry stuff separately..

So they came out a bit, soggy at the bottom. Everything else was fine, I promise!! Haha, the topping was amazing, sugar and ground cinnamon.. mmmm..!! Alsoo I just remembered I didn't quite have them on the middle shelf.. it was more near the top.. maybe that's why they weren't dry at the bottom... :/

Either way, give them a go, just read the recipe a bit more carefully than I did!!

Lauren's Recipe for Blueberry Boy Bait..

25 May 2011

The Way I Wear It..

Ok so this is a response to the second post I did on The Chino and one image of the 'way I wear it' as I had mentioned I would do. More to follow in the next few days.. I am actually wearing them out on Friday so I guess this is a tiny (two day lol) build up of different ensembles up until the one I decide to wear on the day!

Simple denim shirt tucked in with brown suede effect belt n the dark beige trouser.

18 May 2011

Dissertation Topic Done!

I have chosen! My dissertation topic is now going to be the Nottingham Contemporary. It is an art gallery in Nottingham, designed by Caruso St John. They are an East London based architecture firm and it will be  nice to discover how they've used their knowledge to respond to the awkward site that they have built the museum on it. 
As it was built in an area that used to produce lace, homage is paid on the facade with concrete tiles that have been caste with a lace pattern. 

Check the Museum out! pretty neat. 

17 May 2011

Dissertation: Choices Choices

Time has approached where I have to choose a building to be the topic for my dissertation -something you do in your Final year of University. 
I am leaning towards -and by leaning I mean resting on it like I have one remaining leg and even then it's wooden and has been sharpened to a toothpick point- the American Folk Art Museum, NY. We visited NY on a trip and went to MoMA, but didn't visit this museum even though it's a few blocks down and is actually part of it. weird. it's beautiful take a look:


14 May 2011

Quick Minute!

Was on http://thesartorialist.blogspot.com/ blog page and saw this photo:

HOW amazing. I want to print it and frame it on my wall!  

I miss NY.

The brogue etc

Oookk so I've been looking at shoes! Dangerous area for some women I know! not for me though my vice is bags. 

But as of last summer I've been looking for some proper shoes. I keep harping on about a good 'structured' pair of shoes and my friends in turn keep making fun of me for the amount of detail I go into and the passion I have for it!

By structured I mean a pair that supports your foot as you walk and therefore has a bit of a heel. Yes, I'm going back to the days when yo were younger and -if your parents were anything like mine- you were dragged to Clarks and Russell & Bromley to buy school shoes. Those shoes however, have kept my feet in good condition and I would like to keep them that way! 

And this is what has sparked the major shoe frenzy I have caused among my friends. 

The criteria: good for walking, wearing everyday and match with most things.

It came down to the Russell & Bromley Chester Loafer however upon visiting the store a couple of days ago I say a brogue that is neither chunky or too manly, somehow they look feminine. And I think those are The pair.

What say you?
