14 May 2011

The brogue etc

Oookk so I've been looking at shoes! Dangerous area for some women I know! not for me though my vice is bags. 

But as of last summer I've been looking for some proper shoes. I keep harping on about a good 'structured' pair of shoes and my friends in turn keep making fun of me for the amount of detail I go into and the passion I have for it!

By structured I mean a pair that supports your foot as you walk and therefore has a bit of a heel. Yes, I'm going back to the days when yo were younger and -if your parents were anything like mine- you were dragged to Clarks and Russell & Bromley to buy school shoes. Those shoes however, have kept my feet in good condition and I would like to keep them that way! 

And this is what has sparked the major shoe frenzy I have caused among my friends. 

The criteria: good for walking, wearing everyday and match with most things.

It came down to the Russell & Bromley Chester Loafer however upon visiting the store a couple of days ago I say a brogue that is neither chunky or too manly, somehow they look feminine. And I think those are The pair.

What say you?



  1. The Chester is the most comfy shoe I've ever owned. I have them in Brown (my favourite) and black leather, and the heritage loafer in black patent. The brogues are gorgeous too but the chesters win for me. I think you should have a pair of each. :)

  2. hi, thanks for your review helps! I don't know anyone who has them! I was going to go for the brogue simply because you can lace them up and they cover more of your foot. The Chester though.....I have SUCH a weakness for!! haha may have to take your advice and purchase both ;) I will however, need to set up a fund first!! Maybe a treat when I get my first job after finishing uni this year...


  3. I just brought my 2nd pair of chesters in blush pink
    LOVE EM!
